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Embedded software
Linux &
Open Source

With over twenty years of experience in consultancy in the software branch, twentyfive years of experience with Linux and open source solutions and a background in hardware engineering, ZAXX.PRO has proven to be a reliable partner in embedded software and system engineering.

The main focus of our skills in software engineering is our experience with C, C++ and Python, while in system engineering we excel in our knowledge of embedded devices running Linux (being Android one of them). Combining the two makes us skilled not only on hardware and real time related tasks involving kernel drivers, but are able to solve architectural and system related problems as well.

ZAXX.PRO specializes in designing concepts and prototypes of embedded devices, and if required, up till a production ready solution. Preferably working in small teams with an Agile approach, in close contact with all disciplines involved.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
Rick Cook


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Embedded software

"Programming is not a science. Programming is a craft."

Richard Stallman

Some statistics of embedded devices using an OS in 2013:
- The most important factor in choosing an operating system is the availability of (full) source code
- 50% is using Linux or a Linux based system
- The main reasons for using Linux are low costs, extensibility, the availability of device drivers and performance."

2013 Embedded Market Study by MBF (read full pdf)

"Android powered nearly 70 percent of all smartphones shipped globally during 2012, ringing up almost half-a-billion new Android-powered handsets during the year."

Smartphone market study from Strategy Analytics


"You know what the most complex piece of engineering known to man in the whole solar system is? Guess what – it's not Linux, it's not Solaris, and it's not your car. It's you. And me. And think about how you and me actually came about – not through any complex design. Right. 'Sheer luck'. Well, sheer luck, and:
- Free availability and crosspollination through sharing of 'source code', although biologists call it DNA.
- A rather unforgiving user environment, that happily replaces bad versions of us with better working versions and thus culls the herd (biologists often call this 'survival of the fittest').
- Massive undirected parallel development ('trial and error').
I'm deadly serious: we humans have never been able to replicate something more complicated than what we ourselves are, yet natural selection did it without even thinking. Don't underestimate the power of survival of the fittest. And don't ever make the mistake that you can design something better than what you get from ruthless massively parallel trial-and-error with a feedback cycle. That's giving your intelligence much too much credit."

Linus Torvalds

Open Source

"'Free software' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'."

What is free software? The Free Software Foundation

"FLOSS potentially saves industry over 36% in software R&D investment that can resultin increased profits or be more usefully spent in further innovation."

Study on the: Economic impact of FLOSS on innovation and competitiveness of the EU ICT sector (read full pdf)

"Open-source development violates almost all known management theories."

Marietta Baba


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